Commentary by Others

Below are a series of third party comments about YinSights, both for the new print version and for the original online version. If you would like to add your view on YinSights please send an email to

Paul Grilley:    Bernie Clark’s Yinsights is one of the best yoga resources now available, no matter what your preferred style of practice. It is really three books in one: It is a scientific explanation of yoga and how it works. It is a practical handbook on how to get started. And it is a guide to developing mindfulness during practice. It is the book we will use in our own training programs.

Sarah Powers, from the Foreword:    A quick glance at the chapter headings gives a clue of the breath of what’s offered: Prana, Bioelectricity, Chakras, Cognitive Therapy, Meridians, Bones and Cartilage there is something interesting here for just about everyone…

Paulie Zink    YinSights is an intelligently written, extensively researched, and comprehensive study of the system of Yin Yoga that Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers teach.

Biff Mithoefer – author of The Yin Yoga Kit   Yin Yoga is a practice much needed in today’s difficult, divisive times. It offers us a way to leave behind our ideas of how we should be, and return to our true selves, where all lasting healing takes place. Bernie Clark has written a wonderfully detailed account of the history, philosophy, and practice of Yin Yoga. YinSights is written with compassion and deep understanding, and I recommend it not only for those interested in Yin Yoga, but for all yoga practitioners.

Marla Erickson – creator of Yoga Inspired Functional Fitness   YinSights is a comprehensive guidebook for both curious students and dedicated teachers of Yin Yoga. Bernie is thoughtful and thorough as he arranges the immense body of knowledge, which influences the practice of Yin Yoga. He manages to weave threads of historical foundation, theoretical elucidation and practical application into a tapestry rich in spiritual tradition. This work could only come into being authentically through the efforts of a passionate spirit who has dedicated his life to the journey and has experienced some harmony along the way – thank you Bernie. I hope this lovely book finds its way into the hands, heads, hearts and bodies of many people that they may experience a glimpse of what we know to be true and real.

Judith H. McNicol, Owner of Taiga Yoga & Therapy Centre in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories    I have had your book for a while and it has been invaluable to me as both practitioner and teacher. I lost my voice last week and finally read it from cover to cover. I started at the beginning again today. Incredibly interesting and insightful. I anticipate picking it up for a third, fourth and fifth reading.

Linda, Yoga teacher in San Francisco    A great book on Yoga Philosophy and more. I am a yoga teacher and am often asked of students what book would I suggest them to read on the subject of yoga. I Suggest Yin Sights, It offers students a easy to read scientific explanation of yoga and the different branches of yoga. It has brief explanations of mudras, yantra’s, chankras, meridians, etc..I love the Idea of Yin and Yang in my yoga practice, in my life. This book is the perfect guide to help me on my spiritial path of yoga.

Andrea Dyer, RYT    I have studied Yin Yoga with Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers and have been teaching Yin Yoga practices for several years. Bernie’s book does a great job of bringing together Paul and Sarah’s teachings and providing additional information and context in a well formatted and easy to access package. I highly recommend this to all who teach or practice Yin Yoga. A great yoga reference tool that I use frequently. I highly recommend it for your yoga bookshelf.

Oda Lindner,    I found your book last week and loved reading it. I’m delighted to find so much useful information in one place. Having practiced Yoga for the past two decades I’ve also always had a soft spot for Buddhism, Daoism and acupuncture, yet I never saw how one could bring these diverse pieces together. Your book did that admirably. It was a real eyeopener. It was also very nice to see how you kept things clear and concise (which is not what always happens in Yoga books). And I did like the A.W.A.K.E.N. model. I will definitely use your book as a valuable resource for my teaching.

Laura Terry,    I am not in the habit of writing fan mail, but I needed to tell you how much I am enjoying your book. I live in SW Georgia (US) and am doing a teacher training at the yoga studio in town. Chances for exposure to yin yoga here are pretty limited. Last year I got to attend one of Paul Grilley’s week-end workshops and have been making a conscious effort to practice some yin yoga poses every day since then. I’ve seen and felt the difference and am a firm believer in the practice. What a joy it is to have your book to use – it is extremely readable and understandable. Thank you so much for making this available.

Norah Cross,    …I’m reading your book and I love the depth and breadth of your work… you’re here in spirit with me as I read. Thank you for your book.

Doug Moss, Yin Yoga teacher    Your book is brilliant

Deborah Folka, yoga teacher    I finally got your book (via Amazon) this week and I’m having such fun with it. I have been dipping in and out of it for the past few days, reading all kinds of things, (all out of order, mind you) and practicing various postures with variations you recommend. It’s really helpful. I want to incorporate some of the techniques right away for some of my students. Just wanted to let you know and to thank you.

Shelby Quatrini    I have really enjoyed this book — thank you for creating such an excellent resource!

Jo Lee    I have just started practising and teaching yin yoga and find it to be the most gorgeous practice and your YinSights book is my bible!!

Amy Mandel    Thanks for all the work you are doing and sharing with the community. I love your book and the thoroughness of your approach.

Jennifer B. Smith    I have been teaching the yin style of yoga for about 4 years after doing workshops with Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers. This book is a gem. It not only explains the power of Yin Yoga, but also gives insights into the power of meditation and vinyasa flow yoga. I have recommended it to all of my students.

Reid Blackwelder    Outstanding review of yoga philosophy and techniques. Clear summary of anatomy, physiology, and energetic processes for everyone. Practical descriptions of yin poses and principles. Highly recommended

Heather Cleavenger    I highly recommend Bernie’s work. This book is a must for anyone serious about learning and exploring Yin Yoga. The back cover of the book explains it perfectly. Enjoy!

Jann McGinnis, training yoga teacher    I love the YinSights book. I am in yoga teacher training. I have a love for Yin Yoga and want to teach this form of yoga. The book is a great resource for me; being a newbie, as it breaks down each pose giving the meridians affected, counter poses, etc. Invaluable for a new teacher trying to put a class together. Thanks again for this wonderful resource!!!!

Marcia Vallier, yoga teacher, Hartford    Thank you. I came across your website while researching Yin Yoga. You offer great information, this information is so helpful … Thank you for offering and sharing your knowledge through (YinSights). Much appreciation and many blessings

Mary Patricia Clark, circa 1963 (Bernie’s mother)   Bernie Clark? He is a really nice boy.

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