In this section we are going to explore a couple of dozen asanas (an exact count depends upon whether or not one wishes to include variations and options). This selection will suffice to work all the yin areas of the body normally targeted in a yin practice. Note: the asanas that are red also have video descriptions!

  1. Anahatasana (aka Melting Heart)
  2. Ankle Stretch
  3. Bananasana
  4. Bridge
  5. Butterfly
  6. Half butterfly
  7. Camel
  8. Cat pulling its Tail
  9. Caterpillar
  10. Child’s Pose
  11. Dangling
  12. Deer
  13. Dragons
  14. Frog
  15. Happy Baby
  16. Reclining Twists
  17. Saddle
  18. Shavasana
  19. Shoelace
  20. Snail
  21. Sphinx and Seal
  22. Square
  23. Squat
  24. Straddle (aka Dragonfly)
  25. Swan & Sleeping Swan
  26. Toe Squat

Traditionally, Yin Yoga works the area from the navel to the knees, but the principles of Yin Yoga can be applied to all areas of the body. We know that the yin tissues that we are targeting are the denser, deeper, more plastic/less elastic tissues, such as the ligaments, joint capsules, cartilage, bones and fascial networks of the body, but these tissues are found in the upper body as well as the lower body. We can apply the principles of Yin Yoga all over the body. Normally we focus on the lower body because as we age it is this area that tightens up the most. But we can, indeed, do Yin Yoga for the wrists, arms, shoulders, and neck.

To check out a few asanas that target the upper body, check out YinSights Newsletter #6. There you will find poses for the wrists, arms, neck and shoulders. Also, check out the article on using props during your Yin Yoga practice, or watch the video below.

(Next: Yang Counter Poses )